The Texas Tiger Chronicles

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

(BET Comedy Awards) This Week on CommenTerry

Some Gossip.........


DIANA Ross is almost as bad a driver as Halle "on wheels" Berry. Ross, who was arrested for DWI several years ago, got into a nasty little accident in Los Angeles. Monday afternoon. A passer-by to the melee e-mailed "I just saw Diana Ross had a huge fender-bender (as in the whole freakin' thing came off!) on the corner of Poinsettia and Sunset, and she was hiding in the doorway of a dry cleaner!" The Web site also posted pictures of the superstar singer hiding in that doorway as her car was towed away. Fortunately, no one was hurt.


AMERICA'S first black female billionaire just got remarried. Sheila Johnson, the ex-wife of BET founder Robert Johnson, tied the knot with Judge William Newman at her Salamander Farm in Middleburg, Va., on Saturday. Newman met Johnson when he presided over her 2002 divorce case against Robert, her husband of 33 years. Newman's decision evenly split the $3 billion Johnson netted after Viacom bought BET.

And in further BET NEWS

BET celebrated Black comedy last art form that is rarely celebrated outside of the trifling direct-to-video movies at Blockbuster and the watered-down comedy of desperate attempts at blockbuster box-office success often at the expense of the brilliant artists (are you listening Tyler Perry?)

Speaking of which, Tyler was looking smashingly butch sitting next to his gentleman friend in the audience. You better keep your Black anti-gay Christian fans wanting more! But please, don't do me anymore favors by telling Ebony and Jet what you are looking for in a woman....I mean....really? Oh ok then.

Hey maybe you and Sean Wayans can do something together....that is if you haven't done so already.

Let me take it fromt he top.....and by the way, as you all know I am reporting in the field from an iBook which does not have the browser capabilities to upload pics and when I went to the Mac store in Soho the hater at the desk would not give me any free upgrades....alas....I have to just give you the printed word sans visuals.

Steve Harvey came out and did a monologue in which a Bush impersonator was attacked by a man in drag named Katrina.....yawn.

What I will saw is that the producers of the show overall did a great job as the opening credits were funny as well as all the skits in between....but your host needs some work. And I dont care how much money you spend on your suits and your gators, I think STeve Harvey's gear is a shitty mess and that goes for Don Juan, all the pimps in detroits and any other man who thinks is fly cause your hat, shows, shirt, tie, coat and pants are all the same color. NEGRO please!

I look better than them hoes in a knock-off suit from H&M.

Back to the show....Tracy Ellis ROss won an award for outstanding actress...more on her later.

And can I pause for a moment to say the best actress in comedy right now is the actress who plays Big Dee-Dee on Half and Half. She is my favorite drag queen and I swear everytime she is on the screen I think I am looking at real fish.

A few comedians did monologues throughout the show. I was disappointed by Sheryl Underwood...and she is usally hysterically funny but I was touched by her acceptance speech as comedienne of the year and by the story she told about her and God. She told the audience that she was on the verge of leaving the comedy game because she felt like she was chasing an unattainable dream, but SHerri Shepard (who I love) prayed with her on the set of Beauty Shop and she said God has been blessing her every since. Well done.

Paul Mooney - I have always been a fan of Paul Mooney, even when I was 8 and his comedy was over my head I liked him. What I did not like was how he dissed Diana Ross while her daughter was int he room. That was beyond tacky. But being the true BAP that she is, Tracy handled the diss with the grace of her mother...she flew out of the auditorium and threw a diva fit in the lobby....same thing I would have done.....well done.

Then I would have slashed the tires on his limo. He was with Stacy J from last season;s Apprentice who also lives on my block. She was on a date with a good-looking white man last week and with Paul Mooney last night. Work it Miss Stacy! But next time you with your black boyfriend have his cousin Keisha hook up that frizzy hair cause last night you looked a hot mess. And work your D-list celebrity status to get a nicer gown next time. I need to think you shop on 5th ave, not a 1st ave sweat shop in Spanish Harlem.

And oh...Shermar Moore gave Niecy Nash a fake kiss during their awards ceremony. Though he can usually butch up and serve the women masculinity, last night he failed and I felt like he'd rather he up there kissing Tyler Perry....did I say that out loud?

Duana Martin was also serving us a good old slice of heterosexuality...well done.

The next generation of repressed bisexual black comedians (lil j and T something 'who stars in Roll Bounce') were also cute and funny. And by the way, I wouldn;t even watch Roll Bounce on bootleg. What was up with them cheap as afro wigs. The prop department need to get that shirt together. The hair on Destiny's CHild's head looks more realistic.

And Chris Rock, Wanda SYkes and Martine Lawrence all got well-deserved awards. Other than that, you didn;t miss shit.

Posted by Texas Tiger in NYC :: 9:08 AM :: 0 Comments:

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